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Why The Most Effective RTT Therapists Combine Hypnosis and Coaching for Rapid Results

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

Hypnosis dates back to the 18th century and is defined as a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using distinct directives, verbal repetition and mental images. Research is increasingly showing that hypnosis drastically increases the efficiency of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic methods.

In my opinion, RTT Hypnotherapy is the best hypnotherapy method available today. RTT combines the most beneficial aspects of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and hypnotherapy to produce rapid, sustainable results. (Click here to read more about What Is RTT Therapy.)

In my 20 years of coaching, I have always used hypnotherapy as a tool; however, after having a personal experience with RTT hypnotherapy 7 years ago, I recognized it as the most effective hypnosis technique available.

I felt compelled to personally train under Marisa Peer at the Imperial College in London in 2016. At the time, Marisa Peer’s RTT Program offered the highest level of training in the field and the majority of students were nurses, therapists, social workers, coaches like myself, and other professionals.

Today, Marisa’s business model has changed and nearly anyone can participate in the training with little or no previous experience. Because of that, the field of RTT professionals is “crowded” with literally hundreds of RTT practitioners and “therapists”, leading to a lot of confusion and misperceptions about what RTT is and what’s possible.

Practically speaking, anyone who claims life-changing experiences are possible with just one or two sessions, are either themselves misinformed, or are misinforming others.

When it comes to long-standing issues relating to trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues, experience matters.

Why RTT Hypnotherapy + Coaching?

Hypnosis has a long history of enhancing human abilities and potentials. This ranges from promoting development for individuals, teams, and team leaders to boosting creativity, mentally preparing athletes to perform, and helping people of all ages manage anxiety and depression. One reason hypnosis is widely effective is because it promotes a sense of increased safety and calmness. This allows the client to access information within their subconscious that they would otherwise be unaware of.

This is important because RTT and Coaching are both results-oriented and solution-driven approaches. In last week's blog I shared that I do not usually begin RTT Hypnotherapy until the third or fourth session with a client.

In my 2 decades of coaching, I have found that building a trusting relationship with the client during sessions one and two increases the client’s ability to feel safe and willingness to be vulnerable, making way for rapid results.

Coaching Tools, Techniques, and Strategies

Throughout my years of being a coach I have developed and trademarked several tools, techniques, and strategies to help you overcome limiting self beliefs, past trauma, anxiety, depression, and other issues in your life. Many of these tools revolve around encouraging heightened self-awareness and concentration on your thoughts and actions on a daily basis - an important focus of hypnosis.

I like to say,

“Everyone has a brain and a mind, but most people don’t have the user’s manual.”

By this I mean, many people’s brains are working against them instead of for them. Dysfunctional patterns of thinking can develop and go unnoticed because they typically lie within the subconscious mind. It is important to access those deeply-held thoughts and beliefs created by past experiences that are affecting how you think and behave on a daily basis, so you can recognize why you feel a certain way and begin to overcome it.

My program, RTT + Coaching consists of eight sessions that are 1 ½ to 2 hours long. In this amount of time we are able to connect, establish a rapport, and really dig deep into your thought patterns and past experiences. It is important to note that we do not stay focused in the past, we use hypnotherapy to expose the root cause of your struggles and gain insight into how to resolve those issues.

Expertise and Accountability

When combined, RTT Hypnotherapy and Coaching are truly synergistic and can accomplish exponentially more than any standalone treatment.

This is why I use RTT Hypnotherapy as a tool in combination with Brain Science and Emotional Intelligence-based coaching in my RTT + Coaching Program.

We sometimes get clients who reach out for help because they have experienced other hypnotherapy methods but have not gotten the results they needed. Some do experience results that are short-term, which leaves them feeling not only disappointed, but questioning whether or not hypnotherapy could work for them.

Throughout my 20 years of experience as a life coach focusing on Brain-Science and Emotional Intelligence, I have developed many powerful tools and strategies that help the client and I discover the underlying issues that are causing them to struggle. I have a deep and thorough understanding of the psychology behind my client’s thought patterns, beliefs, expectations, and interpretations of past experiences, which assists me in rapid results.

As a coach, I also have the ability to hold my clients accountable. Although I encourage them to hold accountability for themselves, I also understand that having someone to help keep you on track can make a world of difference. In my RTT + Coaching program, I prioritize helping my clients stay accountable so they can achieve their personal and professional goals as quickly and as sustainably as possible.

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that if you have a specific accountability partner with whom you have scheduled appointments, your chance of achieving success increases to 95%.

By combining my knowledge of Brain Science, Emotional Intelligence, and the Psychology of Happiness, I am able to effectively aid my clients in holding accountability for themselves in order to achieve optimal results and long-lasting change.

My RTT + Coaching package is all inclusive and fully customizable to your needs. Because each person has different experiences and struggles, I have found that customizing my packages to my client’s unique needs provides the most optimal results.

If you are suffering with anxiety, depression, trauma, problem behaviors, relationship issues, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, or performance anxiety, contact Coach Monique today for a complimentary Discovery Call, and find out how quickly you can Unlock Bold Change™ in your life!


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